Friday, January 7, 2011


Today was productive. I had a bit of a slump the last couple of days. But managed to snap out of it a bit. I ventured out in the shitty weather and got some much needed errands done. Came home and relaxed for a bit. I started a twitter account. ugh. Many friends seem to be moving that way, so I started one... not sure how much I will use it though.

When the child got home, we played Kinect for a while. I played Kinect boxing and it kicked my ass! I also played table tennis. Flailing your arms around can make you winded! It was fun playing with the kiddo, too... really helped perk me up.

I dug up one of my books on veganism and I am looking at it. This is a good book. It discusses proper nutrition and even has a section on vegan athletes. I am going to go vegan again soon. Tomorrow I am going to take the shrink wrap off of my yoga dvd and give it a try. It's a Bob Harper dvd... and the yoga is supposed to also be great for weight loss , in addition to strength training. I guess we shall see.

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